Use compliant security companies
Knowledge is power as they say.
In this case – knowledge protects profits.
When using a compliant company for biological threat security, then one is assured that the company knows what they are doing!
Security Practitioners should not be ignorant to the fact that this biological threat will be coming to an end soon. There are 3 reasons why this is not true which is outlined in the link below.
There are distinct protocols for different sites because this is not a one-size fits all kind-of-thing.
Hotels, ships, rehabilitation centers, quarantine centers, boarding schools, to mention are quite different to office blocks, shopping centers and outdoor venues.
Profit Protect
Customers avoid going to a site for various reasons which is elaborated on the link below. This means that the sites lose money going through their doors besides profits are depleted because of crime related to the threat. The nightmare of any professional is not know what is truly happening on the ground!
Security Buyers should insist that their service provider is compliant. If the company refuses then consider;
When a company simply states that they are covid compliant – it means that they are trying to comply with covid protocols. This does not mean that they are using security protocols for an active mutating biological threat.
- There are issues relating to the equipment being used. You may be surprised when you look at the thermometer and it displays a temp of 26.5 degrees after you ask the officer and they say you are okay. Then you view the thermometer and see that it is a no-named brand – no logo – nothing. Can you imagine the REPUTATIONAL DAMAGE if the social media or press make such public. It is not a smart idea for security practitioners to use illegitimate equipment, broken equipment besides being unable to use technology correctly when it is a bio threat.
- They may be using thermal imaging cameras but not informing on how many false negatives or false positives are being recorded. Or, perhaps the installers did not comply with the criteria set out by the department of health for using thermal imaging cameras. Furthermore, perhaps the brand is frowned upon by the labs that evaluate brand performance.
3. When aggressive behavior is video recorded and hits social media This could be because the manpower is not layered according to skillsets nor by character traits to ensure peace and calmness which is priority.
4. Being unaware of the crime associated to the threat is vital because there are new criminal methods being used.
5. Knowing the true status of the site because the site may contain certain items, products or services that dictates that the site now is a high-risk site without the realization by the security company. Not knowing that a site has turned into a high-risk site means that the appropriate security measures have not been considered thus opening up opportunities for crime or other issues that could lead to devastating outcomes.
Compliance Gives Peace of Mind to consumers
The marketing department of a company can publish the certificate to inform their customers that they comply with security covid-19 protocols. Being compliant means that the security detail will be working professionally with protocols thus displaying to the on-lookers (customers) that they know what they are doing. There will be a professional atmosphere – which is needed to earn trust and respect
We are in a period of time when all security practitioners on the ground are handline life impacting or deadly outcomes. We have no idea of how this virus is going to mutate or how long will it be active in our bodies once we are vaccinated. We have to provide peace of mind to staff and customers by being professional.
Insist on Compliance