What do the security criminology risk investigators have to think about in the new norm?
In order to make decisions, we need all-of-the-truthful information. If we deny ourselves the information for reasons such as bias or arrogance, then we will be ‘out of focus’ to the narrative besides the opportunities.
Eating Humble Pie
Sometimes there are those that may think that they know it all. Their biggest nightmare for anybody that is in criminology, security, risk or investigation is not knowing what is truly happening on the ground because of the number of innovative perpetrators besides the speed of development in the number of tools at their disposal.
In a nutshell, they should think about their own thinking (metathinking).
Some may think they are happy with their past results but may not realize that they had missed hidden threats or opportunities that they did not see despite their sense of achievement.
Let us say that the way we feel about others is displayed in our body language and tone of voice causing others to react instinctively that could result into turning others into possible threats. As stated above on our biggest nightmare is not knowing what is truly happening because people lie, hide information from you or volunteer information for their own agenda.
No matter how many certificates one has on their wall, it is the skillsets that makes one relevant and resourceful regardless of when we are using or evaluating the workforce and/or technology.

Peer Reviews
Critical Thinking the X Factor in Criminology, Security and Risk provides an in-depth source of knowledge and literature for criminologists, security, and risk investigation practitioners. So far, it is the only material in this field that comprehensively discussed various specific techniques for all types of investigative works. The author took the initiative to lay down the ground rules for the modern and future investigators, analysts, and field operators. This work is a must read! By Dr Rommel Manwong (Prof) PhD CST CSP (Rommel Manwong)
Security measures have often been implemented in the aftermath of an attack, yet truly effective security needs to be proactive in nature and served up with a healthy dose of common sense. Those who pose a threat are, after all, thinking outside the box and formulating plans that circumvent existing protocols. This requires a thorough understanding of one’s operational environment and an appraisal as to how we approach security. Critical thinking is a behavioural science, and one explored in detail by the author in his paper entitled ‘Critical thinking the X Factor in Criminology, Security and Risk’. Kirsten’s comprehensive analysis of the latest literature related to operational mindset demonstrates that, in order to really excel – and find that je ne sais quoi that spells the difference between success and failure, then we need to reboot our tactical arsenal and deploy, as he calls it, the ‘X Factor’.
In doing so, Kirsten expertly illustrates that we can not only address the traditional security threats of the past, such as hijacking and suicidal terrorism, but also put ourselves in a position to prevent the threats of the future, such as those posed by biological or chemical warfare, and the safety and health challenges, such as pandemics, which can, as we all know, emerge when we least expect them. By visiting Professor Philip Baum, Aviation Security, Coventry University. Managing Director, Green Light Limited; and, Chair, Behavioural Analysis Conference.(Philip Baum)
Very rarely one comes across a paper which is living research in which contains all facets of professional values that are added together to give the cutting edge for security professionals which they missed so far!
The Author has done what the Security Professionals needed which has been missing to sharpen their knowledge and skills and the best part is that approach to the subject is amazingly easy and practical. The X factor is a printable book that is built into an e-platform so that the reader can practicalize their reading experience by using skillsets in concert. In today’s time using e-learning relevant knowledge is pivotal to our decision-making that heightens situational awareness in real time. This ensures a continuous inflow of relative and pertinent information which needs to be processed for that accurate and critical decision which could save lives or will make or break an organisation. The book is highly recommended for professionals all over the world as this has universal application using a global approach. The author deserves our gratitude for authoring such an exemplary professional ‘new-aged’ reference book and research tool By Review from CAPT SB Tyagi [Prof (Hon)] COAS’ CC*, FISM, CSC, CSP,NCR (Prof. (Capt.) SB Tyagi)
Chief Councillor of “International Council For Industrial Security and Safety Management
Practical Review of the Experimental Tool
We run an era of big challenges mainly because of the pandemic, the info-demic, and the new geopolitical tensions, the 4IR, the climate change among others and their consequent economic and societal impacts that can exclusively or combined to jeopardise the security of the societies and of the citizens. Situational Awareness tools, apps and skills could save lives and enhance the social fabric. Security Officers, First Responders, Investigators besides other Security and Risk Experts could get their performance off the ground with these HIM “Critical Thinking” Tools and Training methodology. By Dr Katerina Poustourli PhD pre-normative Security Research, Standardization and Innovation Expert, PhD Robust and Resilience Engineering. (Based review on experiencing the training) (Dr. Katerina Poustourli)
As a security pracademic, a practitioner and an academic, I have found the HIM tool to be very effective. Additionally, as an experienced security industry trainer and developer of training modules I have found the way in which the training is the delivered and the transfer of learning to be very intuitive. From a security perspective the training is critical for the frontline security team and other frontline personnel who have security a secondary role. The training provides the security officer with the situational awareness needed to evaluate a situation and respond. The training is also applicable to management and others who need to be able to read people such as investigators and business managers such as HR Managers and Security Managers. By Dr Declan Garrett (based review on experiencing the training) DSyRM, MSc, H.Dip.Sec. Man, M.Sec.I.I. Training & Education (Dr. Declan Garrett D.SyRM, MSc, CBCI, F.ISRM, M.Sec.I.I.)
In our complex world, knowing the difference between when you are safe and when you are not, whether it is from physical threat or simply someone misleading you, is a crucial skill. HIM provides a set of skills and tools that help you determine other people’s intent – this skill and capability could save your life. The approach of developing situational awareness is more important now than ever before. Being mindful and knowing how to evaluate someone’s behaviour is a life skill that everyone should develop!
Author of the highly acknowledged – “Can I See your Hands: A Guide to Situational Awareness, Personal Risk Management, Resilience and Security” Program Director ACU – Postgraduate Program in the Psychology of Risk. By Dr Gavriel (Gav) Schneider FIS (SA), FGIA, FIML, AARPI, MAIPIO, CPP Doctor of Criminology (Security) Degree (based review on experiencing the training) (Dr. Gavriel (Gav) Schneider)