30th June live chat on Critical Thinking the X factor in Security, Criminology and Risk
On 30th July 2022 at 4PM (IST) Prof. Capt SB Tyagi of International Council for Industrial Security and Safety Management will be in live discussion with Juan Kirsten

The discussion is organised by ICISS (International Council for Industrial Security & Safety Management) which is in the forefront in Professionalizing the Security Professionals!
Mr. Juan Kirsten is Director General of the International Security Industry Organization since 2002. He is author of HIM (Human Investigation Management) which is focused on standardization and capacity building for globalization resulting in HIM MoU endorsed by CAPSI (Central Association for Private Security Industry, India) and SASA (Security Association of South Africa) representing 9.15 million security practitioners.
He is also author of peer reviewed manuscripts, booklets and guidance articles based upon Critical Thinking: the X Factor for Security, Criminology and Risk (vol 3) which are six studies interwoven into one manuscript. He strongly believes that, “The security Success depends on the level of situational awareness of the decision-makers on the ground and their reaction speed”.
The Link to view the live discussion, and to raise question and comments, please click on the link and also subscribe the channel for advance intimation of forthcoming discussions –
Capt SB Tyagi COAS’ CC*, FISM, CSC, CSP International Council for Industrial Security and Safety Management,