Security issues impacted by a world depression & pandemic
Security issues considered in a world depression
The Security Industry must consider the implications on crime and security that took place in the 1930’s during the great depression
In 1929 the great depression brought the world into a time of despair that lasted 10 years. Covid-19 is the root cause which surmounts the issues even more so. This dynamic of the ‘perfect storm’ will create calamities and shifting crime into different directions causing the security industry to shrink in some areas and grow in others.
This period gave rise to certain types of crime being the birthing of the organized crime gangs dealing in bootlegging and prostitution, besides the entry of the ultra-right wingers where xenophobia led to the murder of millions.
The manufacturing industry took a major blow during the depression, the banks had their issues along with other sectors in the economic machine took its toll. Now, with the 4th industrial revolution is on the rise and will have its own unique issues and crime related.
The physical security will have to contend with issues that will increase dramatically. We comprehend that there has been a distinctive increase in migration over the past few years, whereas, the vulnerability landscape has changed dramatically. Polarized neighborhoods have grown in size and various countries experienced increased support for pro-nationalist parties. The crime related in cross cultural attacks of grievously bodily harm, rape and murder has increased along with demonstrations and riots breaking out periodically. This work is not going to research right now the crime and damages related to all of the above and other issues, however, one cannot fathom the possible outcomes related to this scenario in theater. [Ref Critical Thinking the X Factor in Criminology, Security & Risk by Juan Kirsten 2018]
Man’s basic need of food, shelter and drink [alcohol – (prohibition crime in the 30’s)] besides medicine or medical support will be heightened and calling for all related buildings and logistic services related as soft targets. This comprehension of this knowledge will give direction to the security industry whereas, security consultants, companies, risk managers, investigators and trainers must comprehend their position, predict the changes in their location and field of interest to survive this debilitating period
This scenario will impact on the skills required now which must be relevant with distinct purpose. There may be a rush by educators to make certificates available but all-the-information is not in just yet and therefore, the most important step is to rapidly disseminate information in short bursts with short predictions within days and weeks. The educators and regulators consider protocols for emergency and disaster first before promoting modules and upgrading on existing skills for relevancy. Some of these protocols can be found in ISIO because this is not a one size fits all kind-of-thing. There are standard protocols and then there are uniquely designed protocols for distinct sectors and using specific tech or equipment.
Growth in Crime and the Underground (Criminal Markets)
Desperation and Corruption will fuel the ‘Underground’ where transnational organized crime, local organized and gang crime will increase their market share (Master Investigator Critical Thinking in Investigation. Furthermore, insurance fraud and other forms of crime will reach higher levels [Juan Kirsten 2019]).
Crime related to covid-10 [Juan Kirsten 2020] predicted issues that have occurred opportunities(methods) to limit or mitigate the collateral damage. This knowledge is now being used to comprehend the economic depression impacting the world in this moment in time in-keeping with calamities and crime.
The International Security Industry Organization [ISIO] is such a body that will be providing pertinent and relative information to its member base covering all sectors.
ISIO calls upon serious like-minded practitioners to participate in its quest.